Rapid prototyping and modular design

To identify the best multi-functional therapies

DotBio’s platform is based on the concept of rapid prototyping and modular design, which has revolutionized industries such as the car, micro-chips, and the building industries.


Antibody modules with specific functions (e.g., tumor targeting, immune activation, cytokine blockade) are prefabricated and optimized for potency and stability. These modules can be used as building blocks to assemble antibody molecules with different architectures and modes of action.

This straightforward process eliminates the requirement for extensive protein engineering efforts, leading to drastically reduced development time. Since the generation of multi-functional antibodies is simplified, DotBio can generate a large number of prototypes molecules with different specificities and configurations in parallel. The prototypes are tested rapidly in miniaturized high throughput assays to identify the optimal therapeutic candidate.


Bank of DotBody modules against major disease targets 

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DotBio has a constantly expanding bank of DotBody modules targeting a wide variety of disease drivers. These include cancer-specific targets (e.g., HER2 and EGFR), immune checkpoints (e.g., PD1 and CTLA4), signaling molecules in the tumor microenvironment (e.g., VEGF and TGFβ) as well as targets specific to different immune cells population in the tumor environment (e.g., MDSCs, TAMs and TAFs).

Our Technology



DotBio's domain therapeutic antibody ("DotBody") technology platform is based on a human-derived domain antibody template from which it generates new DotBody modules.   

The DotBody modules are optimized for modularity i.e., their ability to be used as building blocks to assemble more complex antibody structures. Each DotBody module is also optimized for target specificity, high potency, high expression, solubility, stability and scalability.  

The DotBody technology has been validated in the pre-clinical studies, displaying positive results. 

DotBio’s key differentiation is the ability to produce many antibody prototypes in parallel, thereby speeding up the process of candidate molecule identification. This is made possible as DotBio generates different antibody prototypes by simply connecting the Dots.  

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The DotBody technology is compatible with many antibody formats. These include:  

  • Small antibodies without Fc region which are ideal for higher tissue penetration 

  • Bi- and tri-specific antibodies generated by adding DotBody modules to monoclonal antibodies through protein fusion  

  • Bi- and tri-specific antibodies generated by knob-into-hole technology 

  • High valency molecules 

  • Bi- and tri-specific ADCs through compatibility with ADC technologies 



The Hot-Colony Filtration ("Hot-CoFi") is DotBio’s proprietary stabilization technology. The Hot-CoFi technology allows us to improve the stability and solubility of our DotBodies. This leads to better developability and safety profile of the molecules we generate.

This proprietary technology relies on a filtration step to identify more stable variants of a target protein. It is a very robust biophysical technique performed at the bacteria colony level. It has been thoroughly validated against a diverse set of protein targets.

Image of the results obtained with the Hot-CoFi blot. Each spot represents a bacterial colony expressing a variant of the target protein. The spots with darker color are the variants with higher stability.

Aggregation-propensity leads to manufacturing issues and increased risk of adverse immune reactions.

Our stable DotBody technology has been optimized by Hot-CoFi, to yield molecules with favorable properties for therapeutic development.



DotBio employs phage display technology to isolate its DotBody modules.

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Phage display is a powerful and versatile method to generate therapeutic molecules with high affinity and specificity. DotBio exploits several proprietary state-of-the-art DotBody libraries to generate its bank of DotBody modules.